Unlock the Power of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring with OxiPro

Unlock the Power of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring with OxiPro

Hypertension: The Silent Threat

Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, silently lurks as one of the most prevalent yet frequently undiagnosed chronic diseases. It's a condition where blood pressure surges to excessive levels within the arteries, posing serious health risks. In most cases, its origin remains elusive, classified as "primary hypertension." However, approximately 10% of cases fall under the category of "secondary hypertension," arising as a consequence of underlying renal diseases. Rarely, hypertension may even have a genetic basis. Regardless of its origins, several risk factors, including age, excess weight, physical inactivity, and a diet high in fat or salt, can increase your susceptibility to this condition.

Hypertension: A Global Challenge

Hypertension stands as the most prevalent chronic illness worldwide. At OxiPro, we are committed to combating this pervasive ailment. To achieve this, we've introduced the Health Observatory, a ground-breaking platform that allows us to monitor blood pressure readings from our users in real-time through our connected devices. It's an invaluable resource to understand the regions most affected by hypertension and its impact across different age groups. Explore, observe, and compare the data presented in the Health Observatory to gain insights into this global health challenge.

Why Should You Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home?

Hypertension often operates in stealth mode, devoid of noticeable symptoms, earning its reputation as an "invisible" disease. Consequently, many individuals may unknowingly live with hypertension. Regularly measuring your blood pressure at home is an essential tool for early detection and prevention of complications stemming from this condition.

While staying attuned to symptoms is advisable, hypertension may occasionally manifest with signs such as persistent or severe headaches upon waking, dizziness, blurred vision, heart palpitations, sweating, or even nosebleeds. Emphasizing the significance of monitoring blood pressure at home, in comparison to clinical settings, is corroborated by the latest recommendations from the European Society of Hypertension. Blood pressure exhibits variations throughout the day, influenced by activity levels, making multiple measurements essential for a reliable average value. However, individuals with arrhythmias may benefit from healthcare professional monitoring.

Furthermore, scientific studies highlight a notable phenomenon known as the "white coat effect," where blood pressure readings tend to be higher when measured by a healthcare professional compared to at home. While not posing serious health risks, this phenomenon can lead to the misdiagnosis of hypertension and unnecessary prescription of anti-hypertensive medication.

Conversely, "masked hypertension" occurs when blood pressure readings at home are higher than those in a clinical setting. This situation can pose a significant health risk and necessitates a discussion with your doctor. It's important to note that there are two different "normal" values for blood pressure depending on the measurement location. At home, a blood pressure reading is considered normal if the average value is less than 135/85 mmHg, while in a clinical setting, less than 140/90 mmHg is the norm.

Elevate Your Health with Smart Blood Pressure Monitoring

A smart blood pressure monitor offers a reliable solution for measuring blood pressure accurately, both at any time and over time. It empowers you to identify the onset of hypertension, track the effects of medications or lifestyle changes, and effectively manage the "white coat effect." Whether you have high blood pressure or simply want to stay vigilant about changes in your blood pressure, self-measuring with a smart blood pressure monitor can be extremely beneficial.

- Website of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm).
- "2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)."
- "Ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects: results from an international database."
- "Masked hypertension: a systematic review."
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